Sunday, March 21, 2010

I have this epic road trip fantasy. In my fantasy, I get in my car and I drive all over the country visiting all the groovy people I know and love and love to spend time with. If I'm having this fantasy in the winter, I head to Tuscan, AZ first. If it's summer, I head to Seattle, WA first. Then I make my way around the country in a logical fashion, making extensive use of every Flying J Truck Stop I find. It's really the best place to pee when you're on the road.

To add to the amazing coolness that is getting to see your loved ones in their natural habitat, I'd like to pepper my trip with visits to American oddities. Like the Shoe Tree in Middlegate, NV. Or the World's Largest Rubik's Cube in Knoxville, TN.

Today I add still another oddity to the itinerary: Fridgehenge. You heard it right. And it is exactly what it sounds like. Folks, I could not make this up if I tried.

Brace yourself Santa Fe, NM. I've got my eye on you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

For all my Nick Cage fans . . .

. . . This is not to be missed:

Trailer #2 for Kick-Ass movie.

Cage's super hero name is "Big Daddy." It will be worth the ticket price if he says that just ONCE in the movie. Also look for McLovin' as Red Mist. (Which kind of sounds like a TOM euphemism if you ask me...)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh. Em. Gee. Two Posts In One Month!

It’s practically unheard of, I know.

Could this be a new trend for our hero?

Could someone please slap me for speaking of myself in the third person?

I’m always amazed at the sheer volume of randomness that I run across on a daily basis. (Thank you inventor of the interwebs!) And I often think to share said randomness with specific people in my life (you lucky ducks you!). But, for some reason, it hasn’t occurred to me–until now, that is–to simply share it here. That is the whole raison d’etre of this blog, after all.

So, here are a few tidbits from today’s dip in the randomness waters . . .

I read about THIS in People Magazine today. I am pretty well speechless. I don't know if I should be squeeing because wigs and kittehs make me happy and together should be that^2? Or if I should be mourning the epic loss of dignity on their furry behalves.

I also found THIS groovy gem of a shirt for all my procrastinating pals out there. I'd encourage you to vote for this shirt and make it a winner, but I think we procrastinators know just how effective that will be, don't we?

THIS posting didn't seem like much to start out with. I actually clicked on it for legit reasons. I would actually like to make cookies in the shape of yoga poses. Why not combine the awesomeness of cookies and yoga? Really. And the cookie cutter they show is so sweet all decorated! But, um, not decorated . . . it looks like a gingerbread amputee . . . being held up at gunpoint . . . Yep, I'm totally going to Hell.

And if you would like to waste GOBS of your day doing really random, totally irrelevant, yet alternately intelligence affirming and destroying quizes, CLICK HERE. I astonish myself with all the knowledge that I've lost. I used to know all the state capitals. Apparently, that knowledge has been replaced by all the lyrics to Lady Gags's "Paparazzi". Unfair trade!

The first 2:30 minutes of that video appear to be simply an excuse for Lady Gaga to make out with the stubbly guy. Not that I can totally blame her for that. So, I apologize in advance for leaving you with the taste of Gaga in your mouth and the wasted 7:45 minutes of your life.

Until next time . . .

Think we can make November a threefer?

Friday, November 6, 2009

"The Slant"

I heard this beautiful track this morning. It hit close to home and I felt the need to memorialize it for myself.

I am a work in progress
dressed in the fabric of a world unfolding
offering me intricate patterns of questions
rhythms that never come clean
and strengths that you still haven't seen

"The Slant" - Ani DiFranco

Full Lyrics

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daily . . . not so much . . .

I think I've established myself as completely unable to do anything (aside from procrastinate) on a daily basis. So to remove the heavy obligation placed on me by me, I've decided to change my headline. No more false advertising for this lass. Nope, nope.

But you should expect to find plenty of overflow from the 140 character constraints of Twitter. I have got to learn some smaller words.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It has been brought to my attention that I've been completely neglecting the serving of the randomness. I was informed that if I don't straighten up and get my random act together, that I shall have to change my headline. Of course, this was all done in a most friendly and loving manner . . .

However, given how difficult it would be for me to come up with another headline at this point, I feel it behooves me to follow through with the recommended straightening up and to get back to serving it up.

To signal the turning over of my new leaf, I give you a comic strip that amuses me: Pearls Before Swine. A friend of mine recently turned me on to this strip as a regular read. It's not perfectly consistent amusement, but in the absence of The Far Side, what really is? I highly recommend it to you all. I hope you enjoy!

Argh, so the little strip doesn't shrink to fit my format. You'll have to click on it to see the full thing (i.e. the punch line). If anyone knows how to fix this, aside from selecting a new layout, please let me know. I'm a blogging noob, really.

Pearls Before Swine

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More fun than Googling myself . . .

According to "Urban Dictionary: Our generation's OED" (The Daily Princetonian) . . .

Mollie: A sex bomb who takes control in the bedroom and gives extreme plesure and ecstacy.

Wow, that's a tall order! No pressure!

(Please note that the spelling errors in pleasure and ecstasy are actually directly taken from the Urban Dictionary site. I may have terrible spelling, but I'm still functional enough to use spell check, thank you very much.)

And by the way, the OED = hawtt! I think discussion of the OED is actually what causes Mollies. Just a theory.